The website is now fixed and links are updated. – Yukiaru
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Site Upgrades/Security
Some updates have been done to the site. Please also note that for your security please never give your password or IP out in a public space. No one will ever need your password. The only people who will ever need your IP are me (Yukiaru/Risachan) for website issues or Shana for game server issues. Anyone else asking for this information will not have a legitimate need. Another reminder to please also not share your accounts; anything done on an account is your responsibility as the account owner.
New Discord Server
A Discord server was set up for the BSS Community. Please use that to get live support from GMs and players as well as to just chat about life and BSS. If you need personal support for issues of a sensitive nature you can also Direct Message GMs through that. You can still also always use tickets for support or use the Seen.Life. Thanks for being a part of the community guys!
New Social Site
A new site for updates and information has been released… See this link…
New Patcher/Register Link – Feb 12 2017
A new patcher version was released in December. The link for it has been updated. Also please remember to register via the patcher. I have removed the link on the site to prevent confusion in the future. If you need anything let a GM know.
– Risa
Server Issues (Resolved) – 4/28
The Patch server is currently having problems and one of the donation sites is down so we are unable to generate codes at this time. Hopefully there will be an update soon.
UPDATE: 5/8 All servers are back online and the donation page has been updated to allow you to donate again. There may be some maintenance soon. Check the Google+ for updates on that.
Please see the Google+!
A lot of people still seem to be posting on the Facebook. That is checked very rarely and usually just by hosting techs. There is not a lot we can do in game for you so it is always suggested to use the ticket system or contact someone on Google+. There is a “Support” page to make this easier for you; just click on “support” at the top of the site.
Some Updates – 9/7
I figured that I would update this site since some changes are happening. As noted on the Facebook BSS has moved to Google+ becuase of a number of problems with Facebook policy. BSS is moving into BETA soon I turned off the forums until we reach BETA. Also Shana’s time is limited as of late so I ask especially becuase of the Facebook issues that if you need support please use the Ticket System. If you want to post a question publicly you can also use Also keep updated on the development through the Google+ page. Hopefully things will be updated more often in the coming while.
Under Construction
Welcome to the new site! Pardon our dust as we build!